Stop and See the Miracles 2020
My face says I'm a lady, but my mouth has been saying, "Not today, sucker!" Thank you, older brothers. Other things I have learned include wrestling, climbing trees, painting with watercolors, pillow fighting, playing superheros, ABCs, music, manners, dressing myself, washing dishes, soccer, summersaults, counting, and of course, appreciating the little things in life. I dare you to try to keep up with me.
But even more importantly, I take such good care of my babies. I rock them and sing them twinkle star, and tuck them in just right. If my brothers have been neglecting their action figures, I'll rock them and tuck them in too. I'm a natural nurturer. It's a coveted skill, but you either got it, or you don't. I was born with it, baby. Speaking of, you can see that Mommy takes after me, lucky lady.
Also, I like to put a positive spin on things. For example, when I do things that Mommy doesn't want me to do, like.... spraying her in the face with a squirt gun, I simply reply, "No, yeah super fun. Okay?"
I am keenly aware of what a beautiful world this is, and I let people know it by regularly fawning, "What a boooodiful day!" Seeing the full moon in the sky on a recent fall evening, I said, "me go get it"! And then I ran toward the moon with all my might, jumped into the sky to grab the moon, and then put it in my pocket.
I am 100% delightful, with a sprinkle of sass. Can you blame me? Here's what's been popping out of my mouth lately:
Heidi: "Monsters CAN ride motorcycles." 9/20
Heidi: "Me grow up, me be like Mommy." 9/20
Heidi: "That park open? Jesus open that park for me? That make me so happy. I feel my heart happy!" 9/20
Heidi: " 'Nother cookie, Mom?"
Mommy: "Nah."
Heidi: "Whyyyy?"
Mommy: "It'll hurt your tummy."
Heidi: ...."I forgive you.9/20
Heidi: "Jesus, pray for me!!" (When Mommy tried to put jeans on me that I didn't like) 10/20
Heidi: "Me not how can." 10/20
Heidi: (Seeing mountains through trees in backyard) "I see them! Good job! Jesus, made them!" 10/20
Heidi: "Me no like this movie! This daddy movie!" (George of the jungle) 12/20
Heidi: "Best mom ever me seen. You so pretty." 12/7/20
Heidi: "Me just love my unicorn so much. She so pretty. My unicorn just like me! Make my feelings so happy!" 12/15/20
Heidi: "My hair so pretty, like you hair mommy. Me look like you, mommy." 11/17/20
Heidi: "Rain is not my favorite color." 1/4/21
Mommy wrote me a book! 2020
If there's one thing I know, it's that I can do whatever I work at.
When Mommy reads me my very own book, I watch the pages in wonder and say, "That's me! I can do that! I can do all those things!" And guess what... you can too.
Summer & Fall For Me! 2019
Hi. Have you seen what a royal princess I am? Have mercy, indeed!
This spring was my second annual beach trip to the southern white sands. And now, you can just call me Idy Heidi. That's right. 2 long flights and a new house later, my whole family has found a whole new level of happiness in Idaho too. Turns out, I can make the world a better place on one side of the Mississippi or the other. Life is full of adventures, baby, and I am just getting started.
One of my favorite things to do right now is to look right at Mommy and say, "Getchu! Getchu!" and then run as fast as my sweet little legs can carry me, until they come get me. Trouble is, my run is more up and down than forward, so they always catch up to me.
I also love saying "no" to... you know, whatever. Pronounced, "Moh," of course.
My recent developments in hobbies include, washing the dishes at the kitchen sink, playing with babies, reading books, and building with blocks. Also, thanks to my big brothers, I also like to growl, wrestle, say "burp" really loud, and point to my own butt and say, "Toot!" It never gets old. I also like to shake my bottle and say, "Milk shake!" Classic.
I am a big talker now that I'm almost two. I can clean the house, play ball with my brothers, wipe my own face, and I'd change my own diaper if Mommy would just let me. A bit of advice, though... Just don't get me up in the morning if you don't have a bottle in your hand. Oh, you'll be sorry. Have I Mentioned I'm good at communicating? And I'm a girl who knows what she wants. And whenever anyone asks me what I'm doing, I say, "Nunning". Always a smart move.
Also, I love my babies and teddy bears. I kiss and cuddle them, and shush people when they're asleep. I'm such a good-natured, sweet little girl, that I'll even whack my big brother, just so I can hug him afterward. If I see my brothers wrestling, I bounce over to topple on all of them like icing on the cake. I'm rough and tough, but mostly sugary sweet. I like to sing and dance, and people just can't get enough of me. But then, you already know that, don't you?
The Big ONE!, Dec, 2018
Fun fact: I have music in my bones! It's true! For as long as I can remember, the moment music starts playing, I start rocking! Then I started whistling. Plus with all this singing of Angels We Have Heard on High around my birthday, I have started joining in the chorus too, pursing my little pink lips into an "O" shape and singing my own "gloria" like an angel from heaven.
It took me 11 months, but I finally got my first tooth! I knew there had to be a better way to eat all this delicious food! Also I'm walking and babbling like a pro! Did you know that my due date was my grandma's birthday? Which of course is just before Christmas, so the December celebrations are big around here. I have a feeling it will be like this for a very long time.
My 1st birthday was perfect. I was surrounded by family and friends for me to share my big smile and pretty eyes, and I couldn't ask for anything better. It was an owl-themed party because my giant eyes remind Mommy of an owl. Well, I got to eat my first cupcake, so if you ask me, it was a hoot.
Me in a nutshell so far? Peaceful, serene, intelligent, calm, astute, level-headed, graceful, determined, a rapid learner... and just getting started.
To celebrate the first of many extraordinary years, here is the epic recap of my first year on earth! I know, it went fast for me too.
Summer 2018
As you can see by the milk carton, I dream big. Real big. Like my baby blues. They've become my trademark. Look close enough, and you might just see a kite in my eyes, or maybe a hot air balloon. They're big sky country.
In recent events, I have become quite a record setter. I learned to roll over both ways before all my brothers, and I started crawling at only 7 months. Now I've set my targets on walking. It's such a rush to be up on my toes, stomping like Girl-zilla across the floor while I hold Daddy's hands. I feel so huge! By the way, have you seen my Daddy? Yeah, I'm kind of smitten too.
I also love to bounce in my doorway bouncy seat, and crawl across the floor G.I. Jane style to get what I want. I'm working hard at this baby thing, because... have you seen the tricks my big brothers can do? I've got a lot to learn!
Spring 2018
If you're wondering why I always look surprised, it's because I am! Like when Mommy puts me in an Easter basket. Seriously? There's a big, wide world out there and I have a feeling I've only seen a tip of the iceberg.
For starters, I took my first family beach trip to Pensacola this May. I dug my teensy, tiny, twinkly princess toes into the white sand, and felt the tropical ocean breeze on my mega lashes... and then I slept. For hours and hours and hours. I'm pretty sure everyone else had a blast out there, but this girl needs her rest.
Fortunately, there is evidence of my beach adventures. Check out my first introduction to the wonder of sand!
2.5.17 - Life is good, baby!
I'm nearly 2 months old. I can hold my little bobbly head up like a pro and I can pretty much do push-ups now. My skin is the same texture as flower petals, my hair is as soft as baby rabbit fur, so it's unsurprising that everyone wants to snuggle with me. I love to be around the hustle and bustle of my family. I prefer to nap right there in the living room while the wild and crazy goes on around me. In fact, if someone tries to sneak me into the nursery while napping, I'll make it known that I want to be brought back to the action.
I love to stare lovingly into your eyes while saying my favorite word, "Agooah".
These are a few of my favorite things:
- Big brother kisses
- Snuggling with Daddy (except for his beard - see below)
- Hearing Mommy sing
- Nice warm baths
- Being the most favorite little girl in the whole family
- Knowing that I'm the only one around here who can bring some serious competition with my brothers' toots.
Pet Peeves:
- Loud crinkly noises
- Mommy's ice cold hands!
- Daddy's rough beard
- Hearing people say I'll be spoiled. People, you just met me. Calm it down.
12.12.17 - Let the Party Start!
I'm finally here! Twelve twelve, baby. A day that has changed the world forever. After an hour of labor that seemed to breeze by, I was whisked to planet earth and landed safely in the arms of Mommy and Daddy! Who knew it would be so easy?! And so incredible. And then... I was fought over by these 3 little dudes, who wanted to know if I am real. I'm no doll, boys. I am the real thing. I have a feeling I might be fought over my whole life. Would that be so bad?
Would you know that being a newborn is hard work? I'm constantly in a marathon of eating and sleeping. I'm trying to beef up to stay warm out there. It is almost Christmas, after all, and I've heard news that I am the perfect present in the Helmer Family. Well, would you believe it, I feel like I have been delivered to the perfect place too. It's like heaven on earth, even with all the screaming, fighting, and wrestling. Oh, yes. I can tell I'm going to like it here.
Oh Boy, I'm a... GIRL!
You and everyone's mother. But it's a fact, baby! Baby indeed.
Only 20 weeks away from heaven and I'm already just sitting back to relax. I can tell Something amazing is around the corner. Stay tuned for the greatness.
Thinking about getting to know me? I don't blame you. For legal purposes, however, I must advise you that I have a boatload of big brothers, whose hobbies include MMA, Taekwondo, and torturing bugs and worms just for kicks. If you're okay with that, you may proceed.